There are tasks below that you will complete by leaving your thoughts by clicking 'comment' tab below the task.
I will be checking to see that all pupils submit AT LEAST one comment but please feel free to write as many as you like.

Only pupils/individuals I authorise are allowed to view or post on the this blog.
You are expected to work RESPONSIBLY on this blog. Please look at the school website if you are unsure what is considered inappropriate online behaviour.

Friday 18 February 2011

Task 4: Let's hear it!

Looking at all the information we have found you are now to write no more than 4 sentences about why the ticket should be yours. 

For example:

I believe I deserve the ticket because...
You should give the ticket to me because...
The reasons I should have the ticket are...

Task 3: The best post in the whole world ever!

You may have noticed a voting poll on the right hand side of the blog.  It uses the word 'hyperbole'.  Each of your is to comment on this post explaining in your own words what HYPERBOLE means and provide an example.  You should all be able to create your own examples! 

Hyperbole mean...

An example of a hyperbole is....

Task 2: Find as many persuasive words as you can!

Very easy and straight forward (I expect you all to find lots!).
Simply post whatever words you think are persuasive by clicking 'comment' below.

I have provided a couple of places for you to look in the box to the right ->

Task 1: Richard who?

It is your job to each find out as much as you can about Richard Branson and Vitgin Galactic. Try to think about what could be useful in persuading him to give you the ticket...

I have provided some websites on the box to the right -> to get you going.